
False Eyes

Category: Display

This is based off of the false eyes of many insects, birds, and even mammals. There are generally three parts, in this order: an ‘iris’ part, a ‘pupil’ part, and a ‘shine’ part. Your marking must have at least two of the three parts.

Shape Rules

Here are some examples showing various types of mix and match. They can go a bit out-of-center, as long as the marking as a whole looks like a false eye. The overall shape of the iris should be a natural eye shape; the overall shape of the pupil may be any natural pupil shape.

Color Rules

The iris layer can be any color and may display a gradient between a similar color. The central layer is black or darker than the outside within elemental rules. The top layer is white or lighter than both layers beneath it within elemental rules. Each eye must have matching layer colors, though the amount of layers shown can vary.

Layering Rules

This marking can go above or beneath other markings. It will not cover top layer markings.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged False Eyes

Charged False Eyes do not need to match each others’ colors. In addition, they may overlap.

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